Monday, July 20, 2009

An image of a Synagogue Community Doing Justice

This is excerpted from an email I sent to a dear friend in an ongoing conversation about different ways to bring Justice Work in its various forms into a synagogue so that it could more fully live out being a Justice Congregation...Ok, blog readers, your comments on how this sits with you would be very very appreciated!!

"Oh, but I had an idea about the social justice congregation. What if it was "beit praying with our feet" and Saturday morning services looked like this (for example). Psukei, birchot hashachar, shema, social change action (like everyone picks up their phones and calls 3 members of the synagogue or 3 politicians about one policy piece or 3 local food establishments to ask about their worker's labor rights-like each seat in shul would have a piece of paper on it with the three names and numbers with a script written on it (and on any given day everyone would be making the same sorts of calls just to different people so all health care one day, all inreach one day etc etc) and then Alenu, Kadish, Ein Kelohenu (I am not sure if Amidah would still be included...)..."

What do you think?

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