Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kimihurura Papyrus.

Most the posts so far on this trip have been centering around the justice stuff. And after the rest of my ASYV visit, there is much more coming about Kagame, religion, and whiteness part II. I have done little posting about the stories of the adventures themselves. But today, I just have to share...

I have been feeling good here, really good. And then two things happened...dinner last night (cassava paste) and jetlag (2 hours of sleep! YES!). So today I have not been feeling my tip top. The big project at ASYV I was helping with was painting a mural. Their inauguration celebration in a month and everything has to be finished by then (Good luck...there is sooo much to do!) so they can impress such dignitaries as President Kagame, PM BB Netanyahu and First Lady Michelle Obama. So, as much as I wanted to keep sleeping, when 6:30 happened, I had to get up and go paint!!

I spent the day climbing on scaffolding and painting a huge mural (which Tanya Fredman designed and is just stunning!! Pictures comign as soon as I can upload!!). Which was super fun on so little sleep! The big (slightyl harrowing) part of the day was getting back to Kigali. I got a ride with the teacher shuttle from ASYV to K. I climbed in and all I wanted to do was sleep!! I had stayed awake all day so I could crash out there. After some work, I finally convinced everyone else in the van that I am not interesting. I crashed out and awoke in Kigali. The driver, who thankfully spoke English, asked where I was going. I gave him the directions I had. Kimihurura (the name of the neighborhood) next to Payrus (pronounced Papeeerus-this is the land mark for finding the street) That was all I had. The driver looked at me, but Kimihurura is over there and Papyrus is over THERE (pointing in opposite directions, of course). Tell me again. So I repeated the only words I knew for getting me home.

Kimihurura Papyrus.

But, he and the other man in the van said, Papyrus is not there. They asked if I had phone number and I did...but it did not work. (Figures). Had I not been so tired, I might have been panicking. But really, I figured something would work out...right??

Finally, I remebered other restaurants nearby which helped. And then, because I had walked to the center of town yesterday, I knew the way daylight. This was of course now dark...

So off the driver and I went. He was telling me how crazy America is because men can marry men there!! And this of course began quite a discussion about God and Bible and Faith and Homosexuality...the whole time I am saying-turn right here! Left there! Oh, I think this looks right...

Finally, we made it to the right neighborhood. He drove past Papyrus and I told him to stop but he kept going to the other restaurants I had mentioned. No, I said, turn around. But this is Flamingo (Chinese) and Africa Bite! I know, I said, but I need to go to Papyrus. But I want a good road! He said. But I don't know how to get there from here....

So back to Papyrus we went. Again we passed the street and I said STOP! But no, he drove by the street to Papyrus. Turn around I said. But this is Papyrus he said. I know I said, but the road is back there. But I want a good road, he said. But I don't know where one is!

We turned around and at the top of the hill where I truly believed NGO house is located, he looked at me wishing I would say, just kidding, it is somewhere else. Let me out here, I said, no he said, I do not believe you will find it.

That shut me up...

Down we drove. Keep going, it is on the right. No, it cannot be, he said. Yes, yes! This is it, this is it!! He said he did not believe it. I hoppped out (he reluctantly allowed me to leave the van) and went to ring the bell. After a long long pause...Eli, the hosue boy opened the gate and Bobi the dog came out!

Yes, this is it!!

Oh good he said, I was sure we would find it no problem.

I went inside and took a long, warm shower, washing off the paint and stress of finding Kimihurura Papyrus.

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